What a gentle deer
Please do not fear
We love to be near
Such a beautiful deer.
A Comparison.
WHILE at my uncle's in the State of
Wisconsin, I saw a young fawn that my
cousin had caught. It loved to bound away
over the fields and fences. My uncle had
two dogs that were sure to follow if they
saw it start. One morning I saw It start,
and the two dogs after it. I felt anxious for
its safety, and feared the dogs would
overtake it. I thought they would tear it in
pieces, should they succeed in catching it.
It was gone some time out of sight. My
cousin, seeing my anxiety, told me that the
dogs could not overtake it. But still I
feared they would. Presently I heard the
fawn coming. Still I feared that, the dogs
would overtake it; but it cleared the last,
fence at a bound, and came up where we
were. Soon the dogs came up, full of
eagerness, muttering their disappointment
in low growls.
But they dare not touch it. The fawn lay
down in its place in safety.
This incident reminds me of the Christian
race. Our adversary is trying to overtake
us. But let us take courage, and strive
earnestly to overcome, and gain an
inheritance in Heaven, sweet Heaven,
where Jesus is.
St. Charles, Michigan.
THIS graceful animal is the most useful of the wild game of North America; its flesh forms a palatable article of food; its skin is made into various articles of clothing both for civilized man and the savage; its horns are useful for handles of different kinds of cutlery; its very sinews form the bow-strings and snow-shoe netting of the North American Indian.
Although very timid, yet when persecuted by the hunter, it still lingers around its old haunts. During the day, it retires to thickets and swamps, coming out to feed and drink by night. In hot weather it is fond of immersing itself deeply in ponds and streams.
The food of the deer in winter consists of hips of the wild rose, hawthorn, brambles, and various leaves; and in spring and summer, of the tender grasses.
In walking, the deer carries the head low, the largest animal usually leading the herd, which advances in single file. When alarmed, it gives two or three graceful springs, and, if it sees any danger, rushes off with the speed of a race-horse.
The deer has been hunted by the Indians with the bow and arrow, and by the white man with rifle and hounds, until they are growing scarce, except in the unsettled parts.
Breeze and Buttons
Hours after his birth, Breeze was found
stumbling around by a farmer. The new-born
foal had been abandoned by his mother so the
farmer took him to the Devon-based Mare and
Foal Sanctuary where they cared for him. What
happened next is heart-warming. One of the
staff put a four-foot giant Teddy Bear called
Buttons into the stall with Breeze.
The foal was instantly attracted to him. He had
found a comforting replacement for his
The two are inseparable.
The caregivers expect Breeze to be fine,
thanks to the farmer who rescued him and to
those who cared enough to take this little
Cutie in.
Special thanks to Buttons